

Our 上学校 curriculum and approach set the stage for learning to think big and push beyond perceived limits. 在协作和支持的环境中, 学生被要求要有好奇心, 有自知之明和勇气. The skills and knowledge gained in and outside of the classroom is deep, integrated and lasting.
在这里, students cultivate character as well as the foundation for academic success and contribution in college and beyond.



  • 毕业要求

    我们的毕业要求超过加州大学的要求. Most students take 四年 of a rigorous academic 程序 that extends beyond these requirements and is tailored to their interests and passions. 探索 课程目录 和我们的 赌场捕鱼网投 了解赌场捕鱼网投大学的全部范围和课程.
    文学/英语: Requirement是 四年
    历史/社会科学:  Requirement是 三年
    数学: Requirement是 三年至代数二(按技能水平分班)
    科学: Requirement是 三年
    世界语言: Requirement是 一门语言三级或两门语言二级(按技能水平安排)
    艺术: Requirement是 两年
    体育教育: 要求是三年半 (有运动队和独立体育选项)
    社区服务: Requirement是 每年30小时
    赌场捕鱼网投的荒野体验: 大三必修课
  • 文学/英语

    赌场捕鱼网投的文学课程从九年级的世界文学开始, 然后是10年级的美国文学. These foundational courses focus on developing writing and literary interpretation skills and students' voice. 在11年级和12年级的学生 参加类似大学课程的特定主题的研讨会. These are generally semester long courses and are all Honors classes due to their rigor and often intensive writing requirements.  一些例子包括诗歌、女性文学和但丁的《赌场官方网投》. 有关最近提供的课程和课程描述,请参阅示例课程.

    These are generally semester long courses and are all Honors classes due to their rigor and often intensive writing requirements.  
  • 历史/社会科学

    赌场捕鱼网投’s history curriculum begins with required and foundational year-long courses in World History (ninth grade) and US History  (10th grade). As students progress into 11th and 12th they have a wide-range of history and social science seminars to select from. These are generally semester long courses and are all Honors classes due to their rigor and often intensive writing requirements.  
    Course offerings vary from year to year (see course offerings for a recent sampling) and explore major historical 运动s. 重点领域包括非洲、东部 & 南亚,中东,欧洲和美洲. 一路走来, students master skills essential to the craft of history: interpreting primary and secondary sources, 通过熟练的研究找到重要的信息, 从多个来源形成一个论点, 在写作、课堂讨论和报告中清晰地表达自己的想法. 通过探索过去的许多观点, 学生们也被鼓励去审视自己的观点, 偏见和信念.
  • 数学

    赌场捕鱼网投’s outstanding math 程序 places students according to their level and readiness when they enter the school. 学生们继续从九年级开始学习数学, following a progression of courses that best supports their mathematical foundation and understanding. Our 程序 builds on the foundations of geometry and algebra and offers advanced level topics through multivariable calculus. 另外, we offer relevant and experiential Upper Level math courses in topics like statistics and financial math.

    荣誉和高级课程从代数II开始,并通过多变量微积分扩展. 课程侧重于批判性思维, 解决问题, logic and mathematical habits of mind to ensure success as students progress through the curriculum. There are opportunities at various points in the course progression for students to take more than one math class at a time and further their understanding and exposure to mathematical concepts.
  • 科学

    赌场捕鱼网投大学的科学系努力培养人们对地球物理的好奇心, 化学, and biological processes to inspire students to continue to find joy in taking responsible care of our planet, 现在和将来. 学生通过实践活动深入研究科学概念, 实验分析, 视觉学习, 互动解决问题. 学生分组学习, 利用我们广阔的校园作为教室, 发现科学思想的实际应用
    我们从高中物理开始了实验室和基于项目的科学研究. 所有学生在九年级的时候都要修物理导论, 十年级化学入门课, 和11年级的入门生物学. Advanced classes in these three disciplines are offered–typically in 11th and 12th grade–after students have had a chance to complete prerequisite coursework. 11年级和12年级的其他科学课程包括:解剖学和生理学, 天文学, 环境科学, 及应用科学. 

    赌场捕鱼网投’s science faculty are familiar with the rigors of college science courses and 赌场捕鱼网投 alumni find that they are well prepared for the demands of college labs. 许多校友从事科学、工程、卫生保健和相关领域的职业.
  • 世界语言

    Learning languages is an essential way to develop a global understanding of cultures and people, 提高洞察力, 加强英语沟通能力. 学生根据能力被安排在语言班,以适应丰富的、混合年级的课程. 我们提供西班牙语、法语和普通话.

    高中在外语课堂上采用交际教学法, 哪些是专门用目标语言进行的. Grammar is presented as a tool to be applied to real-life situations and fluency is encouraged as much as accuracy. 

    International exchanges through Round Square and March term travel allow students to use their target language and directly experience the culture of the community.
  • 计算机科学 & 工程

    赌场捕鱼网投编程之旅从计算思维开始(九年级必修). 本课程是一个学期的必修课,是编程的入门课程, opening the door for students to try something they may not otherwise consider pursuing in upper level classes. 高级计算机科学课程包括高级计算机科学(荣誉), 数据结构与算法(H)和软件工程(H). 

    我们提供工程和高级工程(荣誉). 大多数选择工程学的学生都是在11年级和12年级选择工程学的.
  • 艺术

    赌场捕鱼网投艺术系提供了一个你可以学习声音语言的地方, 运动, 形状, 和形式来表达自己的创造性和情感. 

    我们提供一系列视觉和表演艺术课程. 表演艺术学科包括乐队、合唱团、舞蹈、戏剧、电影和戏剧技术. 视觉艺术学科包括:陶瓷, 数字艺术, 画, 电影, 绘画, 摄影与雕塑. We have both breadth and depth with numerous arts disciplines and advanced courses in each area. To graduate, students must take 两年 of art, including one yearlong UC-approved art course. 学生还可以根据自己的兴趣选修额外的艺术课, 时间表和课程供应情况.

  • 社区服务/订婚

    服务是赌场捕鱼网投道德的重要组成部分. 学生必须参加全部四年, beginning with structured group projects in ninth grade including weekend service at food banks and community gardens.

    十年级的时候, 赌场捕鱼网投 students continue to work on group projects while taking on increased responsibility. 在春天, students prepare for their 11th grade intensive individual service projects through a series of interactive workshops.

    11年级和12年级学生创建自己的服务项目, 展示公民意识和领导能力. 除了一个强大的社区服务项目, 学生们也以其他方式参与我们的赌场捕鱼网投社区. 
  • 3项

    所有高年级学生都可以选择一门沉浸式的短学期课程, 深入到一个学科领域,否则他们不会在高中探索. 虽然有一半的三年级学生在死亡谷,但其余的人都参加了.  3项 courses are pass/fail with different course offerings every year based on faculty and student interests. 点击这里了解更多关于 3项 程序.
  • 体育课

    运动和身体健康不仅对健康很重要,而且对学习也很重要. 而不是传统的体育课, 在不同的运动和活动中轮转, 学生可以选修赌场捕鱼网投的任何一门课程 重点体育课程, 包括徒步旅行, 瑜伽, 极限飞盘, 力量调节. C班级一周上两次课, 学生可以通过参加团队运动来满足他们的体育要求. Students who participate in athletics or physical fitness outside of 赌场捕鱼网投 can also qualify for Independent PE credit.
  • 选修课

    除了赌场捕鱼网投大学的核心学术课程, 我们还提供广泛的选修课程供学生选择. 这些课程包括但不限于:湾区混合联盟课程, 创业, 独立研究, 实习, 新闻, 辩论, 机器人和年鉴.


"赌场捕鱼网投 encourages students to take the lead on their own learning and provides a platform for student voice through community outreach such as Town Hall and the faculty’s exceptional approach to teaching."

 艾米丽v. Z '22 
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